Exactly 22 years ago BSNL was formed by the then NDA Government. The company was written off on the very next day, but it survived all pulls and pressures and is on the road to recovery. Ironically on this very day the Prime Minister of India has launched 5G services in India yet BSNL is denied of 4G services. For how long we have to wait for 4G. We demand the Govt to end this discrimination and treat BSNL at par with other operators and extend 4G immediately and 5G also without any delay. We greet every one on this formation day and urge upon the employees to elect a union which strives for the nation and employees and not a union of retired persons. Elect BTEU BSNL that has serving employees down the line.

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The BMS founded its union in the Telecom Sector in the year 1978.



10 Chemmery, Atul Groove Road, New Delhi, 110 001

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