JE वोट मांगने वाले, खुद को JEs ke हितैषी बताने वाले , खुद अपने JE नेता के साथ दुर्व्यवहार करते हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने चंद सवाल क्या दाग दिए। सच तो है की 20 साल से सत्ता पर काबिज इन दोनो यूनियनों ने बीएसएनएल रिक्रूट JEs ke लिए किया ही क्या है। 2017 के बाद JE […]
Exactly 22 years ago BSNL was formed by the then NDA Government. The company was written off on the very next day, but it survived all pulls and pressures and is on the road to recovery. Ironically on this very day the Prime Minister of India has launched 5G services in India yet BSNL is […]
01.10.2022 CHQ President S/Sri VVS Satyanarayana, AGS Punna Rao, and others toured Anantapur today and campaigned extensively in favour of BTEU BSNL. The response they are receiving is overwhemlming.
30.09.22 S/Sri VVS Satyanarayana, CHQ President, K.Punna Rao Org Secretary, DV Prasad, CS AP and other activists visited Tirupati BA and met each and every employee and solicited their support in favour of BTEU BSNL. This is visible change in the attitude of the employees and BTEU BSNL is expecting a good voting this time.
30.09.2022 Sri B.NAVIN CS Telangana circle and his team of activists comprising of BA Satyendra Kumar, M.Anand, K.Chandrasekhar visited Mahaboobnagar and Nalgonda and campaigned extensively seeking support for BTEU BSNL in the ensuing membership verification. They were received well and assured of support.
30.09.2022 आज लखनऊ में प्रांत प्रभारी BTEU बीएसएनल श्री अजय कुमार सिंह के साथ पूरे साउथ लखनऊ का भ्रमण किया। मेरे साथ में जिला सचिव लखनऊ श्री प्रदीप कुमार सिंह एवं जिला सचिव सर्किल ऑफिस लखनऊ श्री शशीकांत श्रीवास्तव जी रहे। भ्रमण के दौरान टेलीफोन एक्सचेंज गंगा सिंचाई पुरम, सेक्टर जी ,ट्रांसपोर्ट नगर, मोहनलालगंज एवं […]
30.09.2022 IDA from October 1st 2022 increases by 5%. Total IDA due is 195.8%
30.09.2022 The Corporate Office has postponed the JE LICE to be held on 16.10.2022 on administrative grounds. Fresh dates will be intimated shortly. For details see link Recruitment.
Never ending story of management not extending perks to employees since 1.1.2007 and curious silence of the retired union leaders*: It is unfortunate that even after 15 years perks have not been extended to employees, LTC is withdrawn, Medical allowances haa been reduced to mere 15 days now, medical reimbursement without vouchers has been stopped […]
29.9.22. CHQ President VVS Satyanarayana ji, AGS K.Punna Rao JI, CS AP DV. Prasad ji extensively toured Nellore SSA in APCircle today and solicited votes for BTEU BSNL. They are receiving good response every where.