BSNL turns profitable after 17 years, posts Rs 262 crore profit in Q3

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Medical claims

Medical claims

Corporate Office has issued the OM authorising CGMs to condone the delay in submission of medical claims. For details see link BSNL MRS

Clarification issued by corporate office on BSNL MRS.

BSNL Corporate office has issued certain clarifications of BSNL MRS Facility. For details see link BSNL MRS Please click here for Download PDF links Clarification on BSNL MRS – OM of BSNL Cor Office 23-01-2025  

Circle conference of UP East circle held on 16.01.2025

भारतीय टेलीकॉम इम्प्लाइज यूनियन BSNL संबद्ध भारतीय मजदूर संघ पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश लखनऊ एवं लखनऊ जिले का संयुक्त अधिवेशन दूर भाष केंद्र कैसरबाग लखनऊ में सम्पन्न हुआ। उप महा मंत्री श्री अजय सिंह जी के देख रेख में एवं श्री पंकज कुमार सिंह अखिल भारतीय सहायक महा मंत्री नई दिल्ली, श्री मनमोहन श्रीवास्तव केंद्रीय उपाध्यक्ष…

Grant of notionsl increment to absorbed BDNL employees retired or retiring a day before it becones due in any month of the year for the purpose of calculating pension.

Department of Telecom has endorsed DOP&T Orders regsrding admissibility of notional increment for absorbed employees of BSNL who retire/ retired a day before it becomes due in any month of the year for the purpose of pension. For details see link orders. Click here for Downloading ORDER COPY DoT PAT OM dated 22012025

UP East circle conference

The Circle Conference of Bhartiya Telecom Employees Union BSNL UP EAST will be held on 16-1-2025 at Lucknow. Dy.GS Shri Ajay Singh & AGS Shri Krishna Kanhaiya will attend the Conference.


BMS has addressed a letter to MOC opposing 2nd VRS in BSNL and sought his intervention in resolution of HR issues etc.


A delegation led by GS BTEU BSNL along with Joint Secretary, Central South AIGETOA Sri R N Mishra, Dy GS BTEU BSNL Ajay Singh CS UP EAST AIGETOA SRI SHANKAR SHARAN Chaudhari CS UP EAST BTEU BSNL Sri Rajesh Singh & Other Office Bearers met CGM UP EAST Sri Alok Kumar Mishra & Conveyed New…

BTEU BSNL Telangana circle

BTEU BSNL Telangana circle office bearers led by S/Sri PM Khan CS, K.Chandra Sekhar ,jt. Circle Secretary & other office bearers A satish, Jehangir khan, S Narsing, Hari Prakash met respected CGM Telangana Circle Sri G. Ratna Kumar ji and. greeted him a very happy New year 2025 and wished Telangana circle to achieve new…

Revised transfer policy.

BSNL corporate office has issued revised ‘BSNL Employees Transfer Policy’ with the approval of the Management Committee of the BSNL Board. This policy comes into force with immediate effect and supersedes the existing BSNL Employees Transfer Policy dated 07.05.2008 and its subsequent amendments issued from time to time. For details see link Orders.

President CHQ along with Prabhari Telecom meets CLC New Delhi

  Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Prabhari Telecom and Shri VVS Satyanarayana CHQ President met Joint Secretary Ministry of Labour and employment GOI and also Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) at New Delhi and requested for opening of full fledged office of Regional Labour commissioner in AP.

BSNL Proposing 2 nd VRS.

It is learnt that BSNL is proposing another round of VRS. CHQ has asked the management to consult the unions. For details see link issues taken up.

BSNL Proposing 2 nd VRS.

BSNL Proposing 2 nd VRS.

President CHQ along with Prabhari Telecom meets CLC New Delhi

  Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Prabhari Telecom and Shri VVS Satyanarayana CHQ President met Joint Secretary Ministry of Labour and employment GOI and also Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) at New Delhi and requested for opening of full fledged office of Regional Labour commissioner in AP.

BSNL Proposing 2 nd VRS.

It is learnt that BSNL is proposing another round of VRS. CHQ has asked the management to consult the unions. For details see link issues taken up.

Government appoints Shri Papa Sudhakar Rao as Director Enterprise BSNL

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of Shri Papa Sudhakar Rao, as the Director (Enterprise) of BSNL. He will hold the post for 5 years. He worked in various capacities. We wish him all the best in his new asignment.

BSNL CO releases DA orders to TSMs from January 2024 and July 2024.

BSNL CO releases 2 instalments of DA for TSMs from January 2024 and July 2024. The BTEU BSNL took up this issue with DOT and CMD BSNL as the same was held up since January. For details see link orders.

BSNL CO releases DA orders to TSMs from January 2024 and July 2024.

Please click here below for download the PDF   BSNL CO releases DA orders to TSMs from January 2024 and July 2024.

Gratuity enhanced to 25 lakhs.

DOT has endorsed the orders of DOP&T regarding enhancement if Gratuity to 25 lakhs wef 01.01.2024. All employees of BSNL retired after 1.1.2024 and drawing pension from DOT are eligible. For copy of letter see link Orders.

Gratuity enhanced to 25 Lakhs.

Please click below titles for pdf downloads Gratuity enhanced to 25 Lakhs-1 Gratuity enhanced to 25 Lakhs.-2

Payment of DA to casual mazdoors

The DA wef 1.1.2024 is announced by govt and endorsed by DOT but is still not paid to the casual mazdoors, Part time and full time workers. The GS discussed this issue with PGM Establishment in BSNL Corporate office. The PGM establishment assured that orders will be issued immediately. Copy of letter is kept in…

IDA orders wef 1.10.2024 released by BSNL

Click here to download link   BSNL Corporate office endorses DPE orders on IDA wef 1.10.2024 @ 6.5%

Shri Kasa Suresh, our Circle President Passed away

It is to inform that Shri Kasa Suresh, our Circle President who is working in Accounts Section of circle office has Passed away on 23.10.2024 night due to Cardiac arrest. Om Shanti Shanti

The new logo was launched

The new logo was launched by Hon. Union Minister of Communications & Development of NE Region Sri Jyotiraditya M Scindia in presence of Hon. MOS for Communications & Rural Development Dr Pemmasani Chandra Sekhar. The launch ceremony was held at Bharat Sanchar Bhavan and was attended by Secretary Telecom, CMD BSNL & senior Officers from…

IDA Increases by 6.4%

IDA increases by 6.4% from 01-10-2024, Total IDA is 217.8 + 6.4% = 224.2 %

Record of discussion held with Director HR

A meeting with Director HR snd other senior officers in BSNL was held on 26.9.24 in connection with the agitation notice served by union. The discussions were held in a condisive atmosphere. The record of discussion is kept in link Demands. Further course of action will be decided by 2.10.24.

Agitation 1st phase deferred

Attention Agitation Matter Director HR BSNL Board has invited the union for a discussion on the agitation notice. The meeting is to take place at 4 PM today. Since the time is too short to have a meeting, we have requested for a meeting on 26.9.2024. Till such time it is decided to defer the…


For the last couple of days unfounded romours are being spread about 2nd VRS in BSNL. General Secretary spoke to senior officers in BSNL and DOT and it is informed that there is no truth in these romours. As such do not believe in fake news. That is why BTEU has refrained from comenting on…


We are very sorry to inform that Sri Sundaresan Circle Secretary Bharatiya Telecom Employees Union Tamil Nadu circle passed away on 5.9.24 in a Chennai Hospital due to heart ailment. We convey our heartfelt condolences to the family members of the departed soul. Om Shanti Shanti


The National Executive Committee Meeting of Bharatiya Telecom Employees Union (BSNL) which was held on 28-29 August 2024 at Hyderabad discussion has taken place on the issues concerning the non executive employees and it was decided in the Meeting unanimously that a serious agitation has to be launched in order to get the issues settled.…

BTEU National Executive meeting held at Hyderabad.

सभी कार्यरत एवं सेवानिवृत्त बीएसएनएल परिवार के भाईयों/बहनों, केंद्रीय कार्यसमिति की बैठक 28 एवं 29 अगस्त 2024 को हैदराबाद, तेलंगाना के वासावी गेस्ट हाउस में श्री वीवीएस सत्य नारायण (अध्यक्ष बीटीईयू) की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित की गई। बीएसएनएल एवं उसके कर्मचारियों के विषय पर गहन चर्चा एवं वाद-विवाद के पश्चात सर्वसम्मति से निर्णय लिया गया…


Meeting of Team AIGETOA and BTEU with Hon’ble MoC held today. BMS National Secretary Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Ji was also present. Discussions held on long pending HR issues including issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3, 3rd PRC, Pension Revision, Pending Promotions across all cadres, 30 Percent SAB, Revision of TA/DA/Allowances and Pension Revision etc.…

Kerala needs a helping hand.

Kerala just witnessed the deadliest natural calamity in which more than 300 innocents are kiIIed. The Bharatiya Telecom Employees Union expresses its profound condolences to the family members and also to the entire people of Kerala. At this juncture the selfless RSS-BMS workers are helping the victims and aid is being extended round the clock.…

Team BTEU and AIGETOA met Minister of State for Communications.

Today Team AIGETOA and BTEU met Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani Ji and had detailed discussion on the issues pertaining to employees especially those of 3rd PRC, Wage Revision for Non Executives, Standard Pay Scales, 30 percent SAB, PRMB,, TA/DA at par with current rates, Promotions in various cadres and…

Voluntary group health insurance policy discontinued

BSNL Corporate office has issued orders regarding discontinuation of Voluntary group health insurance policy due to lack of enough subscribers. For details see link Orders

Leaders of Unions and Associations meet new CMD BSNL

We are pleased to share that the General Secretaries and CHQ office Bearers of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, BTEU, AIBSNLEA and SEWA warmly welcomed our new Chairman and Managing Director, Shri Robert Jerard Ravi. During the meeting, Mr. Ravi expressed his commitment to leading BSNL towards growth and success. He emphasized that BSNL will be…

BMS enters 70th year

BMS enters glorious 70th year. From a humble begining of 7 members in 1955 to more than 1.4 crores today. Wish all karyakartas and wellwishers a very happy formation day.


The DPE has issued ordes for IDA increase w.e.f 01-07-2024. The new IDA rate payable w.e.f 01-07-2024 is 217.8%. Copy of the DPE order is kept in the link Orders.


The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh will be completing 69 years and will be entering 70th year on 23.07.2024. The BMS has decided to conduct year long programmes upto 23.07.2025. All the Circle / District / Branch Secretaries are requested to Hoist BMS flag at all work places and send report along with photos to the CHQ…

Government appoints Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard DDG DOT as CMD BSNL

Government appoints Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard DDG DOT as CMD BSNL for a period of 6 months. For details of order see link Orders.

BMS Requests Prime Minister to expedite BSNL 4 G & 5 G Services

GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji takes up the issue of empowering BSNL to launch full fledged 4G/5G not only in the interest of nation but also in the general interest of common public. BSNL has always acted as a market balancer and as a catalyst to keep the private operators in check. Launch of…

BMS Submits memorandum to Finance Minister on Budget 2024

Finance Minister holds pre budget consultations with Central Tradu Unions . BMS memorandum to Finance Minister on Budget 2024 is kept in link circulars.

BTEU & AIGETOA Delegation meets MOSC

BTEU BSNL & AIGETOA Office bearers led by Shri VVS SATYANARAYANA President CHQ met Sri Pemmasani Chandrasekhar garu Hon’ble MOSC at his camp office in Guntur Andhra Pradesh on 23.6.2024 and felicitated him. Issue regarding Implementation of 3rd PRC was brought to his notice.

BSNL Corporate office releases IDA orders

BSNL Corporate office releases IDA orders w. e. f 1.4.2024.

All India CWC at Hyderabad.

ALL INDIA CWC OF BTEU WILL BE HELD AT HYDERABAD ON 28 – 29 August 2024. For notice please see link CWC Meeting.

Dr Chandrasekhar Pemmasani is new Minister of State for Telecom.

BTEU heartily congratulates and welcomes Dr.Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani as Union Minister of State for Telecom. We wish him a happy outing in his new assignment. We extend our best wishes as well.

New Telecom Minister is Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia.

Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia ji is appointed as Minister for Telecom. BTEU BSNL welcomes him and wishes him all the best.

Change of union subscription

As per present orders, employees are allowed to change their union membership once in a year. The window for the employees to submit authorisation for change of union membership will be opened from 16th June to 15th July. All the circle and district unions are requested to utilise this opportunity for increasing the membership of…


The BSNL management has convened an informal meeting with BTEU on 31.05.24. The management side was represented by DIRECTOR (HR) , PGM (SR & RESTRUCTURING), PGM (ADMN), PGM (ESTABLISHMENT) and DGMs from respective wings attended. The CHQ was represented by President CHQ (V V S Satyanarayana), GS BTEU (R C Pandey), Dy GS (Ajay Singh),…