The BSNL management has convened an informal meeting with BTEU on 31.05.24.

The management side was represented by DIRECTOR (HR) , PGM (SR & RESTRUCTURING), PGM (ADMN), PGM (ESTABLISHMENT) and DGMs from respective wings attended.

The CHQ was represented by President CHQ (V V S Satyanarayana),
GS BTEU (R C Pandey), Dy GS (Ajay Singh), AGS (Krishna Kanhaiya), CS UP West (Tej Pal Singh).

1. The GS elaborated about the non implementation of 3rd PRC as it is causing financial loss to employees since last 8 years and requested that till such time PRC is implemented IDA as on 1.1.17 should be merged. Management assured to look into this.
2. The union demanded that the NEPP be scrapped and a New Promotion policy be introduced as the present policy is out dated and causing immense harm to the career & financial pay prospects of non executive employees.
3. There was a detailed discussion on the Pay Scale of JEs in BSNL as represented in letter. The union stated with strong justification that the entry Pay Scale for JEs should not be less than 35700. Director HR assured to look into this.
4. With regard to request transfers in JE cadre and also on spouce & Pwd grounds the union demanded that the same should be considered without much delay and represented strong justification by analysing DOT and BSNL official data of FY21-22 based on revenue , wired & wireless subscriber comparing with other telecom operators vs future growth potential and requested to revisit the norms for uniform distribution of staff to sustain in market competition in each circle. Director HR agreed to this and instructed PGM Restructuring to study the case and analysis for further action.
5. The union requested for revival of LTC to employees. Director HR will discuss this with Finance wing and positive result will come.
6. On out door medical bill reimbursement the union demanded for restoration of status quo with regards to number of days. The Director HR agreed to reconsider this.

7. With regards to implementation of 7 CPC for TSM and part time workers the management stated that the same will be implemented after 3rd PRC is implemented.
8. With regards to empaneled list of hospitals under BSNL MRS, Director HR stated that all circles are advised to empanell maximum hospitals in all BAs and OAs. In case the same is not done action will be taken on errant circles.
9. Union urged for 2nd Saturday leave for the field and all others and that office work would not be hampered in terms of *C off in coordination within a team or extra pay for the work. Director HR agreed and said I have worked in the field and understand this pain will look into feasibility for all.
10. Minimum 10 yr age relaxation and some marks preference for departmental experienced meritorious candidates to compete in Direct Recruitment of Senior Executive Trainee Recruitment Rule 2024. Director HR assured to analyse the case and respond.
11. Union raised issue of lowest travelling allowance which is creating huge problem in current inflation for working employees. Director HR agreed to consider this.
Management asked memorandum to submit all the points discussed for further follow up. The union thanked the management for the uh meeting and requested for more such interactions once in a quarter.