We are pleased to share that the General Secretaries and CHQ office Bearers of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, BTEU, AIBSNLEA and SEWA warmly welcomed our new Chairman and Managing Director, Shri Robert Jerard Ravi.

During the meeting, Mr. Ravi expressed his commitment to leading BSNL towards growth and success. He emphasized that BSNL will be servicing MTNL areas, particularly in the two major cities of Mumbai and Delhi, which generate the highest revenue across India.

Mr. Ravi set an ambitious target for us to focus on capturing a 25% market share and ensuring the company’s viability by March. He assured that all HR , 3 rd PRC issues will be thoroughly addressed to achieve these goals. he sought support and cooperation from all employees in achieving this goal.

Representatives from associations and unions expressed their full support and cooperation on achieving the target. However we emphasized that at the same time management must look into the pending HR issues of Executives and Non Executives pertaining to Pay, Pension and Promotions. The representives also highlighted that it’s high time that employees must get their dues and issue of 3rd PRC and Wage Negotiations for Employees must be settled now.

Mr Ravi expressed hope that with slight change in BSNL Revenue graph, management is open to settling the 3rd PRC as well as all the major issues related to Pay, Promotions and Pension of Employees.

Together, under Mr. Ravi’s leadership, we are confident that BSNL will flourish and reach new heights.